The job interview gives the potential employee and potential employer a chance to learn more about each other. You'll find articles, sample questions, interactive practice tools, the facts on illegal questions, and fashion tips to help you succeed.
dressing for work
A job interview gives you a chance to prove yourself. Find out about various types of interviews. Learn how to prepare for an interview, how to succeed on an interview, and how to follow up after one. Get advice about dealing with illegal questions.
Behavioral interviews give you the opportunity to demonstrate competencies required for a particular job. Learn more about this type of interview, why employers use it, what questions you can expect to be asked, how to respond, and how to prepare.
Great answers to tough interview questions
Though these sample answers shouldn't be used verbatim, they can help you formulate your own answers to interview questions.
Use this form to help you remember key facts, such as personal achievements and what you wore to the interview.
The most important interview non-verbals
Non-verbal cues often speak louder than words. This article discusses the top five nonverbals, in order of their importance in interviewing.
The simple key to interview success
This article suggests "The Personality Matching Technique" as a way to establish rapport on an interview. Learn how this technique works.
You are getting interviews, but not offers. Find out what you can do to help you get the job offer.
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